Language and thought : the nature of mind from G. Frege and J. Fodor to cognitive linguistics
Miguens, Sofia (2004) Language and thought : the nature of mind from G. Frege and J. Fodor to cognitive linguistics, Augusto Soares da Silva, Amadeu Torres e Miguel Gonçalves (orgs.), Linguagem, Cultura e Cognição – estudos de linguística cognitiva, 657-667, Coimbra, Almedina
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Thematic Line
Modern & Contemporary Philosophy
Research Group
Mind, Language & Action
Artigo em revista Author:
Sofia MiguensTitle (article/chapter):
Language and thought : the nature of mind from G. Frege and J. Fodor to cognitive linguisticsTitle (book/journal):
Linguagem, Cultura e Cognição – estudos de linguística cognitivaYear:
04-M577l;Total pages:
Augusto Soares da Silva, Amadeu Torres e Miguel Gonçalves (orgs.)Publishing houses: