What some philosophers wouldn’t dream of considering as part of their subject’: Cora Diamond on ethics and human lives
Miguens, Sofia (2011) What some philosophers wouldn’t dream of considering as part of their subject’: Cora Diamond on ethics and human lives, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 67, 129-142, Braga, Universidade Católica, ISSN 0870-5283.
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Thematic Line
Modern & Contemporary Philosophy
Research Group
Mind, Language & Action
Artigo em revista Author:
Sofia MiguensTitle (article/chapter):
What some philosophers wouldn’t dream of considering as part of their subject’: Cora Diamond on ethics and human livesTitle (book/journal):
Revista Portuguesa de FilosofiaYear:
0870-5283Total pages:
BragaPublishing houses:
Universidade CatólicaVolume: