Crítica dos imaginários da inteligência artificial, debate sobre "Digital Habitus" de Alberto Romele
From: 2023-11-23 To:2023-11-23
Thematic Line
Modern & Contemporary Philosophy
Research Group
Philosophy & Public Space
Alberto Romele, Digital Habitus. A Critique of the Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence
(Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy), Routledge 2023
23 de novembro 2023 | 17h30-19h30 | Sala de Reuniões II
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Debate / Mesa redonda
Alberto Romele (Sorbonne Nouvelle / IF-UP)
João Arriscado Nunes (Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra)
Luca Possati (Delft University of Technology / IF-UP)
Olívia Pestana (CITCEM - FLUP)
Celeste Pedro (IF-UP)
José Meirinhos (IF-UP)
Tiago Carvalho (IF-UP)
Sobre o livro:
This book proposes a new theoretical framework for approaching the causes and effects that digital technologies and the imaginaries related to them have on the processes of self-interpretation and subjectivation.
It formulates three main theses. First, it argues that today’s digital technologies, which are primarily based on artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and big data are formidable habitus machines: they offer increasingly personalized services, but these machines are actually indifferent to individuals and their personalities. Second, this book contends that the effectiveness of these machines does not depend solely on their concrete capacity to classify the social world. It also depends on the expectations, hopes, fears, and imaginaries that we have concerning these technologies and their capacities. This cultural habitus—a worldview, or world picture—leads us to believe in the concrete effectiveness of AI and its potential for our societies. Third, the author takes this Bourdieusian notion of habitus and connects it to current “empirical turn” in philosophy of technology. He contends that, by looking too closely at the things themselves, many philosophers of technology have deprived themselves of the possibility to study the symbolic conditions of possibility in which single technological artifacts are always embedded.
Sobre o autor
Alberto Romele is professor of media and communication at the Institute of Communication and Media at Sorbonne Nouvelle University. He edited Towards a Philosophy of Digital Media (with E. Terrone, 2018) and Interpreting Technology (with W. Reijers and M. Coeckelbergh, 2021). He is the author of Digital Hermeneutics (Routledge 2020).
Alberto Romele is a former post-doc researcher and a current research-collaborator of the Instituto de Filosofia, and was a member and effective ao-Author and co-Coordinator of the project From Data to Wisdom.
Philosophy and Public Space IF RG em colaboração com o programa de formação em Humanidades Digitais da FLUP
Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto - FIL/00502
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)