Philosophy & Public Space
Projects, Project Applications, International Networks and Research Groups of the RG PPS and/or with participation of the RG PPS/ integrated researchers
Project ETHNA System, Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centers.
Coordinator: Elsa González- Esteban, Universitat Jaume I- Castellon (Spain).
Reference 872360
Program: H2020 – Horizon 2020
Financing Institution: EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Competitive Financing / Financial Geographic Scope: International
Nº. of participant institutions: 10
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto – Associated Member
Start: 2020-01-01; Expected end date: 2023-07
Overall budget approved: 1.490.718, 75 EUR
The goal of ETHNA System is to develop a system of ethical governance and compliance with the RRI in the HERC through the design of a set of tools and work methodologies that will serve to define and subsequently implement a new formal organizational structure within the management structure of the HERC, as well as to promote a comparative analysis, dissemination and exploitation of research results on RRI systems that will serve to the promotion of similar governance systems in other European countries.
Project Erasmus+ DITE. Referência: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000031129 Programa de Mobilidade Erasmus+. Financiador: Comissão Europeia.
Financiamento Competitivo: Sim
Tipo: Projeto Financiado
Tipo de Ação: Educação/Ensino
Financiamento - Programa: LLP 2007-2013 - LLP 2007-2013 - Lifelong Learning Programme
Instituição Financiadora: Comissão Europeia
Âmbito Geográfico Financeiro: Internacional
Data de Início Efetivo: 2021-11-01; Data de Conclusão Prevista: 2024-10-31
Orçamento Global Aprovado: 63.300,00 EUR
Resumo: Programa de Mobilidade Erasmus+
Domínio Científico (FOS - Nível 2): Ciências sociais > Ciências da educação
Project La Ciudad Justa: Exclusión, Pertenencia y BienesComunes en una Perspectiva Urbana Sobre las Teorías de laJusticia (URBS) [Project The JUST CITY: Exclusion, Belongingand the Commons Within an Urban Approach to the Theories of Justice (URBS)]. Reference PID2020-120021GB-I00 AGENCIA. Since 2021.
Projeto escuto.te: vozes das infâncias entre a filosofia e a política, do NICA-UAc: Núcleo Interdisciplinar da Criança e do Adolescente, da Universidade dos Açores, financiado pela Direção Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia, do Governo dos Açores [(DRCT) M1.1.C/C.S./031/2021/01].
Project Applications:
[of the RG PPS to R&D Projects Funding Programmes]
Programme: Projects in all scientific fields of the FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (the Portuguese public agency that supports research in science, technology and innovation in all areas of knowledge).
Application details: type of action - I&DT; submitted - March 2022; reference 2022.07834.PTDC.
Domain: Philosophy. Proponent Institution: Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. PI: Paula Cristina Pereira. Duration: 36 months.
This Project Application will be resubmitted for the 2023 Call to fund research of the FCT.
International Networks:
Philosophy and Public Space International Network- PaPSIN
Network created by RG Philosophy and Public Space in 2019, whose primary goal is to develop a network of researchers from different philosophical disciplines that, in dialogue with other areas of knowledge, can contribute to the critical study of the notion of public space – and related problems – in terms of social and political transformations.
Red Internacional de Investigación Filosofía y Ciudad
Research Groups:
Philosophy of the City Research Group (since 2015)
Philosophy of the City Research Group is a global community of scholars who are dedicated to understanding the city and urban issues. The Research Group takes the city as an object of study, focusing on its political, social, epistemological, metaphysical, ethical, and environmental dimensions. From an interdisciplinary perspective, it incorporates disciplines such as urban planning, environmental science and studies, ecology, architecture, geography, and the arts.
Insumisos Latinoamericanos - Red de Investigadores Latinoamericanos por la Democracia y la Paz (Network of Latin American Researchers for Democracy and Peace
The Network of Latin American Researchers for Democracy and Peace (RILDEPAZ) is the plural expression of a group of lecturers and researchers who have decided to exchange opinions, share efforts, transfer experiences and knowledge, make commitments and edit books that give an account of what happens in Latin America, from various thematic fields, under a convergent and tolerant umbrella that allows the students of our peoples to understand what is happening, the meaning of the political and social processes, the behavioural rationales of the groups, social movements and the democratic horizon of Latin American society.
Red Iberoamericana de Investigadores “Vida Cotidiana, Ética, Estética, Educación y Política” (Ibero-American Network of Researchers "Everyday Life, Ethics, Aesthetics, Education and Politics") (REDIVEP)
This Network of Researchers intends to integrate in a transdisciplinary approach a set of epistemological fields in which diverse disciplinary spheres converge, such as Ethics, Aesthetics, Education, Politics, Literature, Art, Sociology and Ecology, among others. This diffusely shared horizon is configured from the multiplicity of values and meanings, whose framework and strength rests on respect for difference both in its theoretical dimension and in its practical deployment. It is about promoting dialogue and the debate of ideas, which are nurtured in the exercise of thinking and problematizing the different forms of knowledge.
The Network endorsed by the Ibero-American University Association of Postgraduate Studies (AUIP), an international non-governmental organization recognized by UNESCO, dedicated to the promotion of postgraduate and doctoral studies in Latin America, with 197 prestigious member institutions of higher education in Spain, Portugal, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Laboratory of Research on Practical and Applied Philosophy
Main goal of L.R.P.A.Ph. is the recognition and elaborations of issues related to the emergence, reconstruction, weaving, performance of forms of philosophical thinking and acting in their meeting with the plural environments of education, as well as the organization of research procedures-projects reinforcing philosophical education, culture and research.
Emphasis is given to the practical and applied dimension, as the passage from theory to its realizations is critically, hermeneutically and dialogically crossed leading philosophical methodology, analysis and understanding to the threshold and crossroads of crucial and complex issues at stake nowadays: ethical, anthropological, political, esthetical, intercultural, ecological, technological, etc.
Projects of the RG PPS and/or with the participation of the RG PPS/ integrated researchers
Project Potencial do Ensino a Distância na promoção da inclusão geográfica nos Açores,(DRCT (M1.1.C/C.S./014/2019/01). Financiado pela Direção Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia, do Governo dos Açores
Project Filosofia para Crianças e a Aurora da Intuição Moral: Valores e Razões na Racionalidade e Razoabilidade (PTDC/FER-FIL/29906/2017)
Parceria entre o IFIL-NOVA e o NICA-UAc, financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. CoIP: Magda Costa Carvalho.
Project Communication and education at Technopolis (Vila Real City Hall) (funding 33 000 EUR)
2009 - 2016
Coordinator: Joaquim Escola
Objective: To develop, in the Municipality of Vila Real, an active citizenship among children and students, to allow the analysis /decoding of media messages (television, cinema, print media) and to promote the expression through other languages, especially iconic language.
Project Science, Technology and Society: Multilineal Study of Knowledge and Action Communities on Cyberspace
(Reference: FFI2009-07709; FISO subprogram, M. Science and Innovation/ Spain); PI: Ramón Queralto Moreno; Organization: University Seville; 2010 -2013, Funding 45,000 EUR.
Researchers: Andoni Alonso Puelles; Javier Bustamante Donas; Graciano González Rodríguez-Arnáiz; José Antonio Marín Casanova ; Carl Mitcham; José Luis Molinuevo Martínez de Bujo; Paula Moreira De Silva Pereira; César Moreno Márquez; Langdon Winner.
The project: an in-depth analysis of the communities of knowledge and their social actions, which have been generated from the use of new telecommunications. Central hypothesis: supported by well-known facts, is that these communities generate, today and probably to a greater extent in the future, rich and valuable knowledge, as well as social actions with effective results.
Project Oficina de Formação em Filosofia (OFFilo)
Public space: seeing and thinking heritage, for museum technicians(founding DRCN, 2013)